How to Find Your Blogger Feed URL 2019

How to Find Your Blogger Feed URL

For anyone who is trying to bump up blog readership, adding their blog's RSS feed URL is a necessary, all-be-it painful step (and you thought going to the dentist was bad!). A Feed URL can facilitate automatic updates of your posts, so, yes, it is a big deal and usually saves you from having to manually post these. Much depends on the particular site you are adding your blog to.
Now that you know why your blog feed is important, you may be ready to finally buckle down and learn how to find your feed URL.
The first thing you'll want to do is shrink down your current window with the form asking you for your feed URL, so you don't lose your work thus far, and then navigate over to Blogger. (For the sake of this tutorial we'll be using Blogger). If you have a WordPress blog, no worries. See the video at the bottom of this page.

Image result for blogger

Simple and Easy Method to find Blogspot Rss feed Url 

Simply Replace red color Text with your blog url for example Seobackbone.blogspot,com

So it would look like this: http://YourBlogurl/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

Enjoy 👷👷