Boost Rank with 10 Important WordPress Plugins and Tools for SEO

Most of the websites are currently being made with the popular Content Management System (CMS), WordPress. To survive in the competition on the Internet, your website needs the right and the best Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
Those who have ideas about SEO, they must know that SEO is of two types:
  1. On-Page Optimization, and
  2. Off-Page Optimization
Now, the important thing here is that if your website's on-page optimization is not correct, then you will not get success by making thousands off-page optimization.
WordPress is SEO-friendly, yet you have to use some WordPress plugins to keep pace with the constantly changing SEO policies. These plugins will make the base of your website's SEO. As a result, search engines will look good on your website. This post discusses details with the download links of 7 best and important related SEO plugins for WordPress.

1. WordPress SEO by Yoast

Currently this plugin is among the most popular among all WordPress SEO plugins. This plugin is used on almost all websites. You can create a title template for all pages including your site's homepage, post, pages, tags, categories, media, which will assist your site in search engine optimization. You can easily insert your site's description and keywords through this plugin. You can also place the rules for indexing your site's search engine or index through the plugin.
The biggest advantage of this plugin is that this plugin will give you Rich Snippets. As a result, you can put your photos next to the links in Google's search results. This will make your site high-light to your searcher.
Another advantage of this plugin is, when you write content, it will research your content and show you results. Which is very useful for writing SEO-friendly content. Also, it will show how your content looks like in the search results.
Some of the features of this plugin have taken it so high.
Free Plugin

All-in-One SEO Pack

2. All-in-One SEO Pack

This plugin was the top wordpress plugin before yoast plugin was topped. It also allows you to create a title template for all pages including your site's homepage, post, pages, tags, categories, media. Also, this plugin has the advantage of setting different titles in each post. Through it you can easily access Google Webmaster Tools, Bing and Alexa Verification of your site.
The best feature of this plugin is that this plugin will add dynamic keywords of your site by researching the category and tags of your site. As a result, there will be a lot of benefits in search engine rankings.
Free Plugin

Google XML Sitemaps

3. Google XML Sitemaps

The most accurate and reliable way to submit a website to search engines is to submit a sitemap. The ideal format for sitemap is .xml. You can easily create .xml sitemap through this plugin. If you create your site sitemap with this plugin, then your site's sitemap will be dynamic. That is, the content, category, tags, media or anything of your website, that is updated will be updated automatically in the sitemap. As a result, your site will have up-to-date search engines.
Free Plugin

SEO Ultimate By SEO Design Solutions

4. SEO Ultimate

This is also a WordPress SEO plugin. Like other plugins it also has a few unique features. With this plugin you can monitor 404 errors of your site. That will help fix the content of your site. With this plugin, you can do some advanced work on your site's permalink, such as removing /category/, /tag/, /author/, etc structures. This plugin has a built-in share button, which allows you to share your site with social networking sites.
Free Plugin

Google Analyticator By SumoMe

5. Google Analyticator

Google Analyte's name, hopefully everyone knows. This plugin will help you connect your site with Google Analytics. You will get many such plugins on the internet, but you will not get it like this. Because this plugin has several unique features. You can filter log of logged-in users with this plugin. Even tracking your site's loading speed can be done. You can also track your site in-bound linking. If you are an Adsense Publisher, you can also track Adsense Ads through this plugin.
Free Plugin

W3 Total Cache By Frederick Townes

6. W3 Total Cache

Page Speed is an important factor in Google's 200 SEO and Page Rank Factors. According to a study, a searcher waits for around 0.4 seconds after which he switches to another website that loads faster than your website.
W3 Total Cache is the best WordPress plugin that will cache the content of your website, if installed, will, out-of-the-box, load your WordPress site faster for users. As a result, your server's resources will be used less and this unused resources will be used for serving other users. This will increase page hits.
With the help of the W3 Total Cache plugin, we can cache pages and use browser caching, page compression for static pages, Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Free Plugin

7. Smart SEO (Paid tool)

This is a Premium plugin. This plugin will help you create SEO optimized content. You will find a score by researching how many keywords were used in your content, description and image. As a result, you can easily maintain keyword density.
Paid Plugin

SEO and Keyword Tools

Apart from the list above, there are tons of ways to make your website excel in SEO. There are both Free and Premium tools to plan your keyword and improve your website's ranking.

8. Google Adwords Keyword Planner

As a Search Engine giant, Google, keeps massive data of what users are searching on Google. It offers a Keyword Planner for everybody to research keyword ideas for their posts. Anyone can use this tools for free, although it was originally designed for the advertisers.
But, how can these content writers or bloggers benefit from this tool? Using Google Keyword Planner, you can top your competitive website in the ranking of the page rank. For this, you should use the right keywords to find the appropriate keywords whose search volume is high, advertiser interest is the maximum, and that will give your content a high page rank.
Free Plugin

Keyword Tools


Currently, Keyword Tool is one of the key tools for keyword research. With this tool you can get the idea of ​​new keywords by just writing keywords. The ideas of this keyword are used from Google's Auto Suggest feature. The most important information is how often a keyword has been searched using Google search engine. That means, if your particular keyword is at the top of the idea list, it can be your golden keyword that can rank your content.
The keyword tool is a free tool, but it does not work very slowly, but rather works quite quickly. If you choose the right keywords, you can optimize any post in your WordPress website. The Keyword Tool works not only for WordPress, but also for YouTube, Bing, and Google App Store.
Free Plugin

MOZ Open Site Explorer

10. Open Site Explorer

Among the sites to test various data on the website, the MOZ built Open Site Explorer tool is quite useful. Although this tool is free, there is a certain limit on daily usage.
MOZ saves 181,000,000,000 URLs from a huge collection of links from the Internet, and preserves various data and interconnection information on the website through their complex algorithms. Based on these information, they publish a value for each website, which gives an idea of ​​the probability of your site's ranking. When publishing information about your site, MOZ uses different terms, such as: Page Authority, Domain Authority, Inbound Link, External Link, Internal Link, MozTrust, MozRank, etc.
With the help of this tool, you will see who is linking to your website and what text is used in their anchor. Page Authority, Domain Authority, Inbound Link, External Link, Internal Link, MozTrust, MozRank, etc.
To get the maximum benefit of this free tool, by purchasing MOZ's "Pro Subscription", you can get full access to other tools of MOZ and you will get a powerful tool combination that will get important information about your site. By using this information, you can make your site a successful business site and take the site to another height.
Free Plugin Paid Plugin
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