Set Your Ad Balance in Adsense For Maximize Earning


What is Ad balance in Adsense 

Only show the ads that make you the most money, improving the overall visitor experience of your site at minimal cost to you. Use the slider to reduce the number of ads and see the impact this has on your revenue

We understand that improving the user experience of your site, whilst still maintaining and growing your revenue, is a tough balance to strike. Ad balance controls help you reduce the number of ads that you show to users, specifically the ads that earn you the least revenue, and see how it affects your earnings.
Typically, the bulk of your revenue comes from a relatively small portion of your ad impressions. By only showing the ads that make you the most money, you can improve the overall visitor experience on your site for a minimal drop in your earnings.

Let's say that you only want to allow 70% of potential ads to show on your site instead of the default 100%. On the "Ad balance" page, you use the slider to set your ad fill rate to 70%. Ad fill rate is how often we fill the available ad units on your site with ads. A 70% ad fill rate means we'll fill your ad units up to 70% of the time with the highest-paying ads. You can now check the "Estimated earnings" field to see the revenue impact.

We analyse your site's traffic to help us predict what effect changing the ad fill rate will have on your revenue. If your site has low traffic, our predictions for your revenue behaviour may not be an accurate representation of your revenue performance over a longer period of time. For example, let's say your site typically gets around 100 ad requests a week but only one of those requests results in a high-value ad. Since a large fraction of your revenue is coming from that one ad, our revenue predictions may be skewed in that direction. As your traffic increases over time, these high-value ads will result in less skew in your data and our revenue predictions will become more accurate.

How to set your ad balance

To set your ad balance, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. If you haven't already, opt in to the new AdSense user interface.
  3. In the left navigation panel, click My ads.
  4. Click Ad balance.
  5. On the "Ad balance" page, use the slider to reduce the number of ads and see the estimated impact that this has on your revenue.
  6. Click on Apply.
    We'll now fill your ad units with the highest-paying ads up to your new ad fill rate.

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