Guaranteed Upgrade Adsense Account Hosted to Normal

Lately many email coming from bloggers fellows asking about how to change the Google AdSense account into Normal Hosted and finally I try to answer through this post. Hosted Google AdSense account is very limited in nature and can only be installed on a hosted partner sites, such as blogspot/blogger, youtube. Now, if the Regular accounts can plug in any such own site’s domain and hosting. But most important to me is how to keep that account could result in either the hosted or regular.
How to change Hosted  Adsense Account to Normal Account?
To have a Google AdSense Account Hosted, we can get it from partner sites such as hosted on blogspot/blogger, youtube, docstoc, HubPages and others , while to have a Google AdSense Account Regular then we can get on our own site in the sense of taking the blog domain and hosting your own. Google AdSense is indeed tighter in the first appeal so that no term accounts Hosted and Regular, purpose of this Google AdSense  is to protect the Advertiser/advertisers who are members of the Google AdWords network so that they do not feel disadvantaged.
For those who can not wait to change/upgrade Hosted Google AdSense account then you should be careful preceding Regular site/blog, if site/blog you are already qualified and did not violate the policy. Researching website/blog itself is very important that your efforts are not in vain fruitful rejection. Well, if in a sense your site/blog has been fairly okay, then consider the steps below to change the Google AdSense Account Hosted became Regular.
1. Login to your Google AdSense Account Hosted
2. Click Settings on the Dashboard page of your Google AdSense Hosted
3. Then click Access and Authorization
How to change Hosted  Adsense Account to Normal Account?
4. Then enter the name of your blog url in the blogspot platform other than “I will show ads on“:
5. Then press submit
How to change Hosted  Adsense Account to Normal Account?
6. Done
After this submitting the application form, you have to add adsense code in blog.
  • Sign in to your account. Visit the My ads tab.
  • From sidebar, choose  Content.
How to change Hosted  Adsense Account to Normal Account?
  • Click +New ad unit.
  • In next step customize your ad unit.
  • View details about the settings.
  • Click Save and get code.
If the way you do succeed then the process of review take up to 2-7 days until there is no reply from Google AdSense whether accepted or even rejected. To wait for the review/review of it should be done regularly post so you look serious in following the Google AdSense program. Hopefully this article on how to change the google adsense account turned into a regular hosted this for readers of this blog.
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