Earn With Qavor Social Media Just like Facebook

Welcome to Qavor

Enjoy the taste of Nationally  based 100% free and clean Religious social network . You can see every post in your timeline from your friends, family & groups. We do not manipulate, filter, or change the order of your content or what you see. Permissions & privacy are your rights. You control them. You control who can access your content.


Friends Users can add others as a friend

Follow/Unfollow Qavor also support following system like Twitter/Facebook

Real-Time Real-Time News feed, Chat, & Notifications and Profile Updates

Share Users can share any public post on Qavor.

Smart Publisher Publisher auto-scrap (Music, Videos, Links)

YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud Users can share links from these media

Notifications Get notifications (red notification with counter) from other users when they: Like, Share, Comment, or @mention you

Sound Notifications for New Notifications & Messages

Privacy users can change their privacy settings anytime

#Hashtags Post #hashtags in posts, comments and chat conversations

@mention user can mention their friends

Photos upload images and have them displayed as a gallery.

Groups Stay in touch with the group members and share stories with them.

Pages User now can create pages like Facebook.

Smiles / Emoticons (smiles) in Messages, Comments and Chat.

Mange Blocks Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.

Awesome Profile with Covers and Avatars for user/page/group profiles

Verify Badge Now profile and pages support verify badge

Unified Search Box Live search for #hashtags, posts, pages and groups

See More option for cut long-text post like Facebook

Retina Display Ready Responsive Design (optimized for iPhone and other iOS devices)

Suggestions Friends (for new users), Pages to like, Groups to join

Qavor is new Getting Viral Social Media Get signup and Get commission on referral Program Affiliates System
Earn up to $0.10 For each user your refer.
You will be paid when new user registered on Qavor.
Withdrawal in local currency.

You Have Chance to Create Pages Groups And Getting Viral on Finger Tips
