SEO With PPC Ad Campaign 2016

As such, developing a complementary natural search engine optimization initiative in addition to your PPC efforts is of high strategic importance. When it comes to implementing natural optimization efforts, Google offers the following advice:
"Think about the words users would type to find your pages, and make sure that your site actually includes those words within it."
The challenge here is in the details of trying to figure out exactly what your users are searching for. WordStream reveals this information to you when used in combination with an AdWords campaign! Every day as a result of running paid search campaigns, valuable keyword data is sent to WordStream, which in turn has the capacity to greatly inform natural search strategies in ways not possible with conventional keyword research tools.

Pay-Per-Click for seo Keyword Research

Current SEO keyword research methods are highly fallible: keyword suggestion tools offer lists of keywords that they believe are highly searched upon. But even if a keyword offers high traffic volume, how do you know if it's relevant to your business? How can you tell if people will click that keyword and buy what you're selling? You might spend months trying to rank your site for a set of terms that are far less advantageous to your business than an alternative set of keywords.

Utilizing WordStream PPC for SEO

This is where your pay-per-click initiatives can help to guide your organic efforts. Your pay-per-click campaign will tell you what words bring high traffic, which words lead to sales or leads, and which copy compels people to click and to buy.
Pay-Per-Click information can inform your SEO campaign when you segment WordStream keywords as pictured.
The image above shows ranking of WordStream Keyword Groups. You can sort groups by the amount of traffic driven, giving you an idea of which keyword segmentations are the most valuable in terms of traffic volume. This can then inform your natural search optimization efforts in the following ways:

PPC for SEO Keyword Research

WordStream's pay-per-click tools for keyword research unlock value derived from having run pay-per-click advertising campaigns. You will have a prioritized list of topic suggestions at your fingertips. You'll immediately be shown groups of relevant keywords that work; terms that have actually made you money through paid search advertising.

SEO Information Architecture

Organic search algorithms are just as relevance-minded as Quality Scores. Search engines want to see pages with groupings of related words and term variations. If you've created hierarchies of keyword groups using WordStream's SEO keyword tool, you now have the beginnings of a really effective site hierarchy. Pictured here is a keyword grouping created for a PPC search marketing account:
Utilize PPC grouping and segmentation to inform SEO efforts.
We can already begin to see an IA structure forming. You can now create a page for each Keyword Group and segment your site according to successful PPC groupings. All that's left is to craft headlines and chunks of content based on those terms that you know are driving traffic and conversions (already discovered and housed for you within your WordStream Keyword Groups).

PPC for SEO Page Structure

Use WordStream to generate relevant meta keywords, meta descriptions, meta tags, HTML titles and headers for your web pages, in addition to outlining to you and to your copy writers which words should be linked to which pages. By dedicating a page to one of the semantically related groupings created for you by WordStream, you can now use keywords within that segmentation to create optimized web copy.

PPC for Meta Keywords

Although the importance of meta keywords have clearly been de-valued and even been declared "dead" numerous times over the years, there may potentially still be some benefits of using them, especially if used properly. For example, Google hasn't explicitly said not to use meta keywords in their Webmaster Guidelines, and second-tier search engines may still consider them as a small factor in determining natural search listings. Furthermore Google may possibly consider meta keywords in their Quality Score algorithms which among other things, tries to determine the relevancy of a landing page to the keywords that are being bid on in a PPC ad group. If you decide to use meta keywords, always use unique, relevant keywords that accurately describe the contents of a Web page - include popular misspellings, plurals, word variations, long tail terms, and try to use keywords that people have really searched on (as opposed to thinking them up randomly in your head). All of this valuable keyword information that is immediately available at your fingertips in WordStream - just query your keyword database, group together relevant keywords, copy, and paste!


WordStream isn't a magic elixir. You'll have to create and promote useful content. What WordStream, as a whole, does is provide you with proven keyword research that is specific to your business. You will have a wealth of topic suggestions for authoring Web content, and you can use the data to help format your website. All of this frees your Web content authors to focus on actually authoring content, rather than getting mired in the mechanics of natural search engine optimization.

learn more about pay-per click & seo

The above is an excerpt from the "Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing Best Practices" white paper. To learn other best practices surrounding the paid side of search, and to find out how to apply them to your business, download the free white paper in its entirety today!